Making a blue tit and meeting a blue tit.

 Hello friends,

Yesterday , I worked on the little mushrooms and today on blue tit.

I have some more things to do on the blue tit, but most of it is done. I have been working all afternoon.

I ordered the kit from England from « felt and dandy »

I was working on the blue tit and guess what... I heard a nose in the kitchen and there was a tiny blue tit trying to find it’s way to go outside! What a coincidence !

I took her delicately in my hands to take it outside and she was pinching me, but I finally rescued her and then she was outside again.

See you soon.


  1. What a sweet story and what a coincidence to find a real blue tit in the house. I think they are such beautiful birds. We don't have them here. I would be thrilled to pieces if one showed up at my house. Your felted bird is beautiful. Looks just like the real thing.

  2. What an amazing coincidence that a tiny blue tit appeared just when you were felting one. They must be very sweet little birds ( which we don't have in Canada).


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